A Prayer at the Cross

Blessed Lord Jesus,

Before the cross I kneel and see the depth of my sin: 
the way it took You to the cross 
and the way Your love for me drove You to Golgotha.

Convict me of my guilt by
    the crown of thorns,
    the pierced hands and feet,
    the bruised body,
    the dying cries.

Your blood is the blood of incarnate God,
its worth infinite, the value beyond understanding.

Sinner that I am, why should the sun give me light,
    the air supply me breath
    the earth bear my tread
    its fruits nourish me?

Your compassion yearns over me
    your heart hastens to my rescue,
    your love endured my curse,
    your mercy bore my stripes.

May I, both a saint and a sinner,
    find You as the power to my salvation,
     Your death the center of all relief
      and the source of all gospel blessings.

May Your shed blood make me
    more thankful for Your mercies,
    more humble under Your correction,
    and more contented in my circumstance.

May Your love bind me forever to You,
who died and rose for me.

(adapted from The Valley of Vision)

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