Prayer for life and wholeness


Let your heart be glad, and rejoice in Me. Let your flesh rest in hope, for I will not leave your soul in Sheol or allow you to see corruption. I will show you the path of life, and in My presence you will find fullness of joy. I will meet you with the blessings of goodness and give life and length of days to you when you ask. I will prolong your life and make your years as many generations. You will abide with Me forever, for My mercy and truth will preserve you.

PSALMS 16:1–11; 21:3–4; 61:6–7

Prayer Declaration

Father, You have granted me life and favor, and Your care has preserved my spirit. My life and breath are in Your hands. Goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Your loving-kindness is better than life, and my lips will praise You. I will bless You while I live. I will lift up my hands in Your name.

Source: John Eckhardt, 2011. Daily Declarations for Spiritual Warfare. 

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