A prayer for the activity of the church

Lord Jesus, you promised that you would be with your people when they meet together. We claim that promise right now.

We know that you are with us, but even so, Lord, we pray, that you will give us a sense of your presence all together and individually, that we may have a fresh experience of the living God.

We worship you for rescuing us from death and condemnation, for giving us Christ, for life, peace, and your eternal love.

May we hear your voice speaking clearly to us today.

Make us more sensitive to you, and to the awfulness of turning away from you.

Lead us into a deeper joy as we look to you.

Bring life to your people; purify your church, cleanse us from our sin as we turn back to you; revive us spiritually. Renew us, not so that we become even busier people, at church still more evenings in the week, but so that we become more involved with people in our community.

Spirit of God, give us a burden for souls, Lord, souls who without you are perishing.

Lord, we pray for the church, your people, that we will truly become the people you intend us to be, that we will really look upward to you, and that we will look outward to others, not simply look to ourselves.

Lord, make us a distinctive people, to bring you our praise, worship, and adoration, and to lead lives of godly consistency and integrity.

May we all pull together, working as one strong and resilient team, to bring you a symphony of worship and praise and to take you to the community and the wider world.

May our energies be clearly focused and our lives inspired and directed by your power at this time.

We pray in Christ’s name.

Source: Martin Manser, 2018. A Book of Prayers. First edition. Vereeniging: Christian Art Publishers.

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