Rememering back to childhood school days when a new year would begin, and we were each given a brand new yellow pencil with a pink eraser on top.  A brand new notebook with all clean pages.  It was a Fresh Start.

A new year is upon us and many are looking for a Fresh Start.  I think the best way to get that start is making a decision to do a Daily Bible Reading through the Bible.  I've done the One Year Bible (New Living Translation) for five years, I plan on making it six in 2024.

Dear Heavenly Father, give us a fresh start as we begin a new year.  The Bible tells us You are the owner of everything, this world and all that is in it!  I pray that 2024 will be a year that I remember this truth, and start every day fresh, in Your WORD, and living it out in my life.  May this be the prayer of all of us.  In the precious Name of Jesus. Amen

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