A prayer of thanksgiving

Heavenly Father, I want to express my thankfulness to you for life, for breath, for good friends, for my family, job and home.

I acknowledge that all these are gifts from your hand. Forgive me that I take them for granted so much. You are so good!

I thank you most of all for Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord. I thank you for his closeness, for his love, for his standing by me through the good times, the bad times, and just the ordinary times … and even when I fail.

I thank you that you don’t give up on me.

I thank you that Christ died on the cross for me, to take away my sin, to bring me back home to yourself, to put me in a right relationship with you so that I could come to know you as one of your children.

I thank you for the Bible, your written word, that it points so clearly to Christ.

I thank you for the deep sense of assurance you give me that I know Jesus Christ personally.
Lord, I do appreciate all that you are and have done.

I pray that my whole life will be an expression of gratitude to you, through Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.

Source: Martin Manser,  A Book of Prayers. 

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