A prayer for children and young people

Lord Jesus, we remember how you welcomed children into your presence. You told us we were to become as humble as children to receive your kingdom.

Thank you for the children and young people you give us. We pray for their safety, Lord, in this world. There are so many dangers, some hidden, some open. Please keep them secure in the love of their families, friends, church, and in the wider communities. Please stop the forces of evil from harming these little ones.

We pray for their salvation, Lord, that they would come to know Jesus Christ as their own personal Savior at an early age. We pray that trust in Christ will mature as they grow up and they will know he is Lord of every aspect of their lives. We pray for those who teach children and young people that you will keep them from misusing their positions of trust and that they will not only teach wisely but also be good examples of character and integrity to those they are responsible for.

Lord, give our children and young people good health, good friends, and good desires. Give them the strength to overcome difficulties and to learn from them. May they quickly learn to have positive confidence in themselves, developing the personality and character you have given them.

May they learn to take responsibility at an early age. Give them times of fun and play. May they develop a sense of humor and keep a sense of adventure throughout their whole lives.

 In Jesus’ name, we pray.

Source: Martin Manser, 2018. A Book of Prayers. First edition. 

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