a prayer as we wait for hope

Dear Lord,

You have made waiting beautiful and patience divine. 

You have taught us that your will should be accepted, simply because it is your will. 

You have revealed to us that a person may see nothing but sorrow in his cup yet still be willing to drink it because of a conviction that your eyes see farther than his own. 

Father, give me Your divine power - the power of Gethsemane. 

Give me the strength to wait for hope - to look through the window when there are no stars. 

Even when my joy is gone, give me the strength to stand victoriously in the darkest night and say, 'To my heavenly Father, the sun still shines.' 

I have reached the point of greatest strength once I have learned to wait for hope.

a prayer by George Matheson
(27 March 1842 – 28 August 1906)
He was a Scottish minister and author.
He was blind from the age of 17.

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