A prayer to be holy as God is holy

1 Peter 1:15–16 (ESV)
15 but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.”

Heavenly Father 
I am in awe that You call me holy. 
It is at times hard to imagine but because of You and what You have done for me, I am holy. 
I am holy in terms of being set apart by You
I am holy in terms of being called out of darkness into Your wonderful light
I am holy in terms of being adopted and made Your child, a child of God.

Help me not to forget that because I am set apart by You and for You, a holy God, I am also called to be holy as You are holy.
Help me to remember that my conduct should reflect Your moral holiness - Your holiness that sets You apart from everything else.

Help me to be aware daily of Your presence and Your holiness.
Give me Your grace and power to be holy in my conduct.

In Jesus's name


Something very deep and mysterious, very holy and sacred, is taking place in our lives right where we are, and the more attentive we become the more we will begin to see and hear it. The more our spiritual sensitivities come to the surface of our daily lives, the more we will discover—uncover—a new presence in our lives.

Henri J. M. Nouwen

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