The mercy of God

“Oh Father of the prodigal, how I embrace the infinite mercy that flows from Thy loving heart. No matter how far down I go, Thy mercy is more than sufficient, and for this, I thank Thee.” (A.W. Tozer)

What a beautiful thing the mercy of God is to us. 

His love is infinite. His mercy is infinite. His grace is infinite. There is not one of the attributes of God that is greater than any one of the others.

But the amazing thing is that each attribute can be disbursed generously to his children at the exact time that they need it. God bestows upon us, the most needed attribute of the moment.

What a wonderful God we serve.

“LORD, you alone are my inheritance, my cup of blessing. You guard all that is mine.” (Psalm16:5)

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1 comment:

  1. Beth, what a beautiful prayer. Oh how we thank God for his mercy. Though my sins are many, His mercy is more!!


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