A prayer of response to a calling God

A hard, deep call to obedience

  You are the God who makes extravagant promises.
  We relish your great promises
    of fidelity
      and presence
      and solidarity,
      and we exude in them.
  Only to find out, always too late,
    that your promise always comes
      in the midst of a hard, deep call to obedience.
  You are the God who calls people like us,
    and the long list of mothers and fathers before us,
      who trusted the promise enough to keep the call.
  So we give you thanks that you are a calling God,
    who calls always to dangerous new places.
  We pray enough of your grace and mercy among us
    that we may be among those
    who believe your promises enough
      to respond to your call.
  We pray in the one who embodied your promise
    and enacted your call, even Jesus. Amen.

In anticipation of reading Jeremiah 1–2 / 2000

Walter Brueggemann,  (2003). Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth: Prayers of Walter Brueggemann 

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1 comment:

  1. What a truly wonderful post. Love that passage. Reminds me of Psalm 139 where he formed us in the womb and knew us before the foundations of the world.


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