But Jesus called them to him, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God"  Luke 18:16

Our grandson just recieved his second Bible (The Action Bible) He had outgrown his Children's Bible.  What joy it brings the Father when children come to Him in child like faith.

Heavenly Father, we come to you this day on behalf of all the children.  All the children of the world.  Your Word confirms you love for children and that as adults we must become like little children if we are to enter the Kingdom.  So Father God, bless all the children.  I pray parents will take the responsibility to teach their children from a early age that everything comes from YOU!  Even our next breath.  We bring nothing to the table.  We deserve hell, but in your grace you have given us what we don't deserve and what we cannot buy.  Your gift of salvation by faith only is our rescue from death  unto life.  May children around the world join the family of God.  We pray this in your Holy, Righteous Name, Jesus Christ.  Amen

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