a prayer for moms

Dear Father,

I am so thankful for the gift of my mom.

For all of the ways that she blessed me, I give thanks.

I ask you to bless all of the moms in my life.

And pray that you will give them strength and power for the day.

I intercede for moms who are lonely and feeling alone.

Knowing that some still grieve great losses, I lift them to you.

I pray that this might be a day of encouragement for all moms.

That you might receive glory in and through their lives.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. Beautiful prayer, Bob. The first 5 commanments are about God, the next one is Honor your father and mother. God is all about motherhood. Mother's are the manuel that God wrote I love that.


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