Ears but do not hear

Ears but do not hear

  The idols have ears but do not hear …
    so unlike you, for all your hearing …
    so like us, ears but do not hear.

  You have endlessly summoned us: shema,
                       listen up,
                       pay attention,
                       turn …

  We mostly do not … in our narcissism,
               in our recalcitrance,
               in our departure from you.

  So we pray for ears, open, unwaxed,
             attentive, circumcised.
  Call us by name … so that we know,
  Call us to you … so that we live,
  Call us into the world … so that we care,
  Call us to risk … so that we trust
             beyond ourselves.

  You speak / we listen / and comes life,
               beyond all that we ask or think …
  Our ears to hear your word of life.

* A prayer based on reading Jeremiah 10:1–16. 

Walter Brueggemann, (2003). Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth: Prayers of Walter Brueggemann (E. Searcy, Ed.;(. Fortress Press.

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