a prayer for renewal

O God 
     who before the passion 
     of your only-begotten Son 
     revealed his glory upon the holy mountain:  

Grant us to behold by faith his radiance   
      be strengthened to bear our cross 
      and be changed into his likeness      
      from glory to glory; through Christ Jesus.

I call with my whole heart; 
      answer me, O God, 
      that I may keep your statutes.  

I call to you; 
      oh, that you would save me!
I will keep your decrees.  
      Early in the morning I cry out to you, 
      for in your word is my trust.

Open our lips, 
       kindle our hearts, 
       stir our souls— that we may sing thy praise!  

Renew us in Spirit that we may grow in service to bear fruits of a lively faith as we care for neighbors witness for truth work for justice strive for peace and  live for love. 


Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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