A prayer as we awake

O Lord our God and heavenly Father! We, your unworthy children, come into your most holy and heavenly presence to give you praise and glory for your great mercies and blessings—especially that you have preserved us this night past and have given us quiet rest to our bodies, and brought us now safely to the beginning of this day.
Lord, open our eyes every day more and more to see and consider your great and marvelous love to us, that our hearts may be drawn yet nearer to you—even more to love you, fear you, and obey you.
Nail all our sins and iniquities to the cross of Christ, and let them never rise up in judgment against us. Let us live holy, just, and sober lives, shining as lights in this present evil world. Fill us with your Spirit. Stir us to prayer and watchfulness.
Have mercy on us, and never leave us to ourselves, nor to our own wills, lusts, or desires. Help us with your good Spirit, that we may continue to the end, received into glory, and partake of that immortal crown you have laid up for all who love you. Amen.

—Arthur Dent

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