in the storms of life

Father God,

 I come to you as Your righteous child knowing that You are my only hope for living life. You promised You would never leave me nor forsake me. Some days are difficult to navigate with all the thoughts racing through my mind. But I know you are there to release me from this bondage as I surrender them to You. You said to cast all my cares upon You so I choose to do that knowing You will give me peace as I walk through to victory. Help me to keep my eyes on you moment by moment.

 Father God,  my Creator, my Redeemer, my Guide, and my Friend. You are my compass during the storms of life. In You I have hope and an anchor for my soul. Hope to give me the strength, courage, and faith that with and through You, I can weather any storm. You know everything about me. You know my hopes and desires, my fears and my doubts.

You even know every single hair on my head. How can I doubt your care for me, Father God? 

Lord, I pray for peace in my soul. Let me feel your loving arms around me.  You are the God of hope and in Thee, I rest. In Jesus’s holy and righteous Name, Amen.

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