a prayer for unity


We come before You thinking about the holiday season that is coming quickly. For some it is a joyful time, for some a hard time, for some a painful time. For most it is all of those things. You know each celebration, hardship, and hurt we carry. 

Lord, we know you have given us family and they are sinful people, just like us. Sin creates division between us, which makes times of gathering all the more challenging. Open our eyes, Lord, to see the places of hurt in others, to know when it's time to step back in order to guard our hearts from sin, and the wisdom to know what to engage with and what not to engage with.

Remind us, Lord, that unity is not uniformity. That we can be and believe and think differently than those we spend Thanksgiving with, and still love each other. But we can only do this in your strength, with humility and compassion. May we not repay insult with insult, but each speak truth and blessing. Also, show us Lord when we need to keep quiet. May we stand in the truth that you fight our battles for us.


...be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. (1 Peter 3:9)

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