a prayer for giving our burdens to God


"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior,who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves;from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death." - Psalm 68:19-20

Heavenly Father,

What a promise you've made, what a hope we have, and what a God you are. Thank you for being the kind of Father who hears our burdens - as opposed to minimizing them. To know that you bear our burdens each day enables us to be vulnerable and honest with how we feel, and that allows us to lay them at your feet. Instead of wearing us down and wearing us out, our burdens become something we can entrust to you. 

You are the God who saves us - not just from separation from you but also saving us from the burden of our present realities that overwhelm us. Struggles in relationship, work, money, health... Lord, you are with us in each one of them. Protect us from unwise counsel that may medicate us in our pain, but actually moves us farther away from you and simply ignores the reality of what we must deal with.

Father, some of us are fearful, fretful, even rage-full over the political landscape of our country and the shifts to callousness in our culture. Lift those burdens from our hearts as you remind us that the throne of heaven is presently occupied (Rev. 4), that Jesus is currently the ruler of the kings of the earth (Rev. 1:5) and that nothing and no one can alter your plans (Is. 14:27; Eccles. 3:14).

Father, forgive us when we take back the burden of our guilt, even though Jesus has exhausted it; free us when we surrender yet again to the burden of our shame, even though Jesus has broken it. 

Rescue us when we assume sovereignty and take on what you never intended us to carry. 

Give us the grace to live and to love YOUR glory, not ours.



(Adapted from Every Season Prayers by Scotty Smith)


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