for hope in the midst of uncertainty

Our Father and our God,

We confess our need of Your presence and Your guidance as we face the future.

In the midst of life’s uncertainties in the days ahead, 
assure us of the certainty of Your unchanging love.

In the midst of life’s inevitable disappointments and heartaches, 
help us to turn to You for the stability and comfort we will need.

In the midst of life’s temptations and the pull of our stubborn self-will, 
help us not to lose our way but to have the courage to do what is right in Your sight, regardless of the cost.

And in the midst of our daily preoccupations and pursuits, 
open our eyes to the sorrows and injustices of our hurting world, and help us to respond with compassion and sacrifice to those who are friendless and in need.

May our constant prayer be that of the ancient Psalmist:
“Teach me, O Lord, to follow your decrees; then I will keep them to the end”.

-from a prayer by Billy Graham

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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