a prayer for loneliness: a lament



I struggle to feel understood.
    And when I am misunderstood,
    I feel cutoff and isolated from those around me.

This isn't how is should be, right?
You created us for one another
and yet people don’t want to understand who I am.

Do you see me trying to fit in,
in a world and a system that doesn't seem to fit me?

It wasn't made for this... I wasn't made for this.

Do you see me trying?
    Why am I trying to bend to everyone else's will
    and why does it seem that no one is trying to bend to mine?


How long, O Lord?
    How long must I feel lonely,
    boxed in?

When will I be able to feel like myself in a world that doesn't accept me?

Lord, please help them see me. 
Reveal to them their own selfishness and shortsightedness.

Please help me in my sorrow to not become bitter.
Show how to offer grace to those who do not seem to know what to do with me.


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