a prayer for an enemy

You alone, Lord, are mighty; you alone are merciful;
whatever you make me desire for my enemies,
give it to them and give the same back to me.

And if what I ask for them at any time is outside the rule of charity,
whether through weakness, ignorance, or malice,
good Lord, do not give it to them and do not give it back to me.

You who are the true light, lighten our darkness;
you who are the whole truth, correct our errors;
you who are the true life, give life to our souls.

Fulfill my prayer, Lord, not only for my friends
and the enemies for whom I have prayed,
but distribute the healing of your mercy
wherever you know it may help anyone
and not be contrary to your will,
both to the living and the departed.

-from a prayer by Anselm of Canterbury

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