for surrender and trust


I've never been fond of how Jesus calls us to take up our cross. Not because I don't want to follow him, but because the cross is a symbol of death. And that means I know you have called us to die to ourselves.

Dying daily. That's what you've called us to do. A complete and total surrender to all that we want and desire if it does not line up with your will. A death to our sinful self and a birth to new life in you. But see, sin is fun. So that's why we struggle.

But Father, we also acknowledge that you know better than us. Help us to trust in who you are, and not in what we do. We must trust in all that you have done and not in all that we want to do. Help us to see what you'd have for us... that is so much great, bigger, richer then we could ever want. But also, help us see it that way: as bigger, better, and richer.

Help us to die to ourselves and live victoriously over sin in a new life. Help us to want what you want for us. Help us to walk strong in this truth.

We praise you, O Lord, for all that you have done and all that you will do. For all that you are and all that you are helping make us become.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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