God is for us


Most High God,

We praise You this day, Lord, knowing that You hold it in Your hands. You hold us in Your hands. Your strength and power are unmatched and Your compassion and mercy never fail. You made the moon to mark the seasons and the sun knows its time for setting. You make darkness and it is night and You made the sun for us to know when day is coming. In all things small and all things great, You are Lord of All. Of this, we are sure.

We still feel uncertain about a lot of other things in our lives.
When it seems like nothing good is happening, we are angry.
When it seems like You aren't moving, we feel stuck.
When it seems like things are falling apart, we feel unsteady
When it feels like the world is closing in, we want to run.
When it feels like everything is against us, we are fearful.

But You are for us. 

When we feel this uncertainty, may we remember who You are. You have promised to make all things work for our good, and it's our prayer, Lord, that we learn to trust in Your goodness and Your faithfulness.

When we feel unsure of where life is taking us, help us to remember the one things that is certain: You.




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