a prayer to start our day

We begin our day alone,
honoring this life, with all its potentials and possibilities.

We begin our day with trust,
knowing we are created for loving encounters.

We begin our day with hope,
knowing the day can hold 
love, kindness,
forgiveness and justice.

We recall our day yesterday,
May we learn, may we love.

We pray for all whose day will be difficult,
May we support, may we listen
may we change. 

We make room for the unexpected.

Help us to embrace possibilities,
respond graciously to disappointment
and hold tenderly those we encounter,

Help us be fully present to the day.

We welcome the people who will be part of this day
We welcome God in ordinary and extraordinary moment alike.

God be with us. 

Christ before us,
Christ behind us
Christ over us
Christ under us.

Christ all around us. 


                                                Adapted from Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community
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