Prayer is LIFE

We will never tap into the full power of GOD when our PRAYER lives are lacking. Or non-existent.

God has so much to show us. So much to give us. So much to do through us.

But we are weak in our prayer lives. We are stagnant in our efforts to effectively cry out to God. We are not spending the necessary time on our knees or better yet on our faces before Him!

Here in Nicaragua the necessity of PRAYER is played out to us day after day.

When they have no other recourse. No other path to take. No where else to turn..

They turn to God. He is their FIRST CHOICE!

Why don’t we turn to God first?? Why don’t we fall down on our knees at the first sign of trouble. Illness. Problem….

Let’s tap into the power that God has for us and PRAY!!!

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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