His name is Jesus…

Jesus made his royal entrance into this world in a dirty, smelly, animal stall. His first crib was a manger and that sweet baby, who was born to be King of kings, lay his head in an old, rugged feeding trough.

But even in all the noise of that chaotic time, God revealed His plan for us.

A dark world was sent the Light of Life.

A Savior who would bring sight to blinded eyes. Strength to crippled legs. Sound to deaf ears.

A Redeemer who would renew the hearts of those who would seek Him.

A Restorer who would turn rejection into acceptance and despair into sweet hope.

He would open prison doors and free the captives. He would wipe away the tears of the lonely and hurting.

When our hearts ache, He came that He might bring comfort to our souls.

When our spirits get heavy and burdened, He came to relieve us of our cares and give us rest.

When we wander aimlessly and without direction, He came to steer us to the right path and guide our ways.

The brokenness of that silent night so long ago was instantly made whole when the long awaited Messiah was brought forth…

When we are left wondering how and why, we have an answer.  Our brokenness was given a remedy in the form of a newborn baby.

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:11)

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