Power in prayer

Today, I have been so convicted of the huge lack in my prayer life.

You see, I am a woman who whole heartedly attests to the power of prayer. I am a woman whose life has been touched over and over by the power of prayer. I am a woman who depends on prayer for her very existence. Her every breath. Her every move. 

And yet, I find the consistency of my prayer life waning.

Today, my prayer is for anyone who finds their self in this very place.

I pray that we would all be seeking that deeper and more intimate prayer life with the Lord. I pray that we would all be more fervent in whispering prayers to our Savior. I pray that we would all be more diligent to carve out more time to get face down before the LORD and truly seek His face in everything we do.

Prayer… it is the key to our spiritual walk.
Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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