A Reformation Detonation

*As a result of October 31, 1517, hundreds of millions of Christians all over the world have submitted to God’s word as their highest authority (Sola Scriptura) and his teaching that salvation is a gift given by God’s grace alone (Sola Gratia) through the instrument of faith alone (Sola Fide) in the death and resurrection of their one savior and mediator, Jesus Christ (Sola Christus), so that all glory would always redound to the Triune God alone (Sola Deo Gloria).

Wherever the church opened the door to Jesus, repentance and reformation was like chemotherapy to the cancer of spiritual corruption and recovered belief in the gospel of Christ spread spiritual health through much of Europe, then on to the New World, Asia, and Africa. It spawned massive evangelism, church planting, Bible translation, and frontier missions efforts. And in its wake it brought about all manner of social good: stronger families, honest commerce, economic empowerment for the poor, hospitals and clinics for the sick, education for the masses, encouragement for the scientific enterprise, democratic forms of civic government, and on and on.

Father, today we celebrate Reformation Day!  A day so many many years ago when Martin Luther nailed that thesis to the door of the church to say "We have submitted to God's Word as our highest authority and that salvation is a gift given by God's grace alone.  Thank You for courageous men and women throughout history, and give us that courage today to stand firm on the Authority of Scripture and Salvation by grace alone.  We love and desire You, Father and love the Word of Good.  Amen.

*Taken from article by Jon Bloom, staff writer for

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