prayer for renewal


 We are Your people, the sheep of Your flock
 Heal the sheep who are wounded
 Touch the sheep who are in pain
 Clean the sheep who are soiled
 Warm the Lambs who are cold
 Help us to know the Father’s love
 Through Jesus, our Shepherd
 And through the Spirit

 Help us to lift up that love
 And show it all over this world

 Help us to build love on justice
 And justice on love

 Help us to believe mightily
 To hope joyfully
 To love divinely

 Renew us, that we may help
 To renew the face of the earth

- a prayer of the Catholic Church

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.


  1. We need to pray that people will be humble enough to admit sins and repent before God. Otherwise things will continue in the downward spiral.

    1. Yes. We each must humble ourselves and prayer.


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