"As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for You, O God."  Psalm 42:1

As the deer panteth for the water,
So my soul longeth after Thee.
You alone are my heart's desire,
And I long to worship Thee.

You alone are my strength, my shield;
To You alone may my spirit yield.
You alone are my heart's desire, and I long to worship Thee

You're my hope and You'll not forget me
Even though my heart may stray,
In the night You keep me singing
And You'll guide me day by day.

I want You more than gold or silver
Only You can satisfy,
You alone are the real joy giver
And the apple of my eye.

Gracious Holy Father, may the meditation of my heart, and the desire of my soul be the words if this song that says it better than I can.  Give me even a deeper longing for Yourself!  I love You.  Amen
Martin Nystrom 1984 Music

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