Prayer for the broken

For anyone who is experiencing brokenness in their life, there is good news. 

God can take each one of us from that state of being broken to a glorious BREAKTHROUGH.

The process of this restoration will always begin with PRAYER. It is the beginning of all things HOLY and all things good. It is the beginning of all things REDEEMED.

I pray that all who are in this state of bondage right now will begin crying out to the only One who can loose our chains. The only One who can give us strength. The only One who can perfect that work within us. 

LORD, give us eyes to see that You are the One who breaks the bonds of brokenness and ushers in a beautiful and glorious breakthrough. Help us to keep our eyes on you. Help us to keep our focus on the eternal. Give us a longing for your Word and for prayer. And perfect within us that work that you began in us on the day of our salvation.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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