Nehemiah 7:8,12

After Ezra and Nehemiah had rebuilt the walls and temple in Jerusalem after the exciles returned from captivity they assembled all the people.  Ezra stood on a high wooden platform and read outloud the Book of the Law of Moses and clearly explained the meaning of what was being read, helping the people to understand each passage.  They celebrated with great joy because they and heard God's words and understood them.

Heavenly Father, how precious are Your Words, but without understanding their is no joy!  When the people in this passage in Nehemiah heard the Words of God explained clearly they rejoiced with great joy and celebration.  Oh Father, give us wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit so when we read and study Your Word it will be clear and understanding will bring joy and obedience.  Your Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light to my way.  I love You.  Amen


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