a prayer in times of conflict

Heavenly Father,

When the gentleness between us hardens, and we fall out of our belonging with one another, Lord, may You bring us back to the depth of love we have once had with one another. May the bond You once forged between us be fused back together by the power of Your love.

When our words are not enough, and we struggle to hear each other well, when our hurt feels like too much and the silence has become deafening, Lord may you bring the sweet tone of reconciliation into our hearts once again.

When the bonds between us unravel, and our angers tears us apart, Lord we ask that bitterness not take root, but that your truth keep us rooted instead.

Teach us to be gracious with one another, to allow kindness beyond thought and hurt.

Humble us in our pride and show us that relationships matter more than being right. 

And Lord, if the relationships is not right, may You show us boundaries that heal and keep us safe from those who have harmed us. Help us discern when those who've hurt have not turned from their ways and will damage us again. 

Guide us through the winter of pain into the gentleness of spring.


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