for mental health professionals

Loving God, way maker, we offer a prayer of thanksgiving for Mental Health professionals, for psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health therapist providers. 

We praise you for all the ways you have equipped them with the skills needed to perform their work.

That those they encounter through work, coaching and relationship may experience your reflection, your grace, compassion, mercy, comfort and hope as they struggle through this trying season.

Protect their minds, their very souls.  We pray you fill them with your Holy Spirit to strengthen, help and empower them for their mental ealth vocation. 

Remind them of your presence God, that in times of isolation and alienation they are not alone, you are near. 

Cause them blessed assurance that they are yours, you will bring them through, and that they are deeply loved and seen by you. 

May they be encouraged every step of the way. 

Give them a praise in their heart for the burden of heaviness. 

And last give them rest in you for renewal, so that they may continue the great fight with Faith. 

May they be met with a cheerful heart and kind word  from everyone they encounter. 

In your holy and matchless name we pray. Amen

- prayer by Rev. Babette Chatman

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