for humilty

Sovereign Lord,

Today I am struggling with idols, God. The idol of self: self-reliance, self-righteousness, self-containment, self-preservation, self-dependence.

Instead of relying on You, I seek help in others, or try to do it on my own. Instead of trusting You, I trust myself. Instead of believing what You say about me, I believe what others say about me. Instead of going to Your word for the truth, I look to confirm the beliefs I already have through other sources. Instead of going out into the world and engaging with the things that are different or hard, and the people who think differently and believe differently, I stay inside my self-created "safe" space.

Lord, cut down my pride.

I need to grow.

Remind me daily that I am called to surrender myself to You

Remind me daily to set down my desires and pick up Yours. 

When I love myself more than others, give me Your heart.
When I condemn others, teach me grace.
When my anger causes me to sin, reign me in.
When my heart tries to deceive, expose the truth to the light.
When I find myself jealous, make me content.
When I am greedy, give me a generous heart.
When my pride takes over, humble me.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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