enlarge my vision


You are a great, mighty, and powerful God. 

So why do I often simply see Your world as just involving me? My family? Or my country?

Lord, You are the God over all creation, over all the world, over every inch of land ,and every drop of water. You created each person amazingly unique. Each culture that has a distinct language, each person with a beautiful skin color, each one with a unique way of dressing, and each culture with it's different way of seeing life beautifully expresses Your creativity, and despite the Fall, is an echo of who You are in many ways.

My world is not just me, my family, or my country.  

My world is Your world.

Teach me to see beyond what I currently see, beyond what I want to see, and reveal to me how You are working all over the great big huge creation, in the lives of people so markedly different from me that it scares me a little. Okay, maybe a lot. Maybe that's why I keep away, or don't think about it and keep my world small.

But my world must be Your world because you made me in it. And Your world is much bigger than my country. Much bigger than my family. Much bigger than me.


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