our saving and wonderous God

Saving and wondrous God,

In the time You walked upon this earth, and in Your time became one of us to show us what we need:

A Rescuer. 
A Redeemer.
 A Friend. 
A King. 

Your Son came near 
and Your Holy Spirit remains,
 revealing to us that You 
are the center of all things.

Remind us always,
in times of plenty
and in times of famine,
that at the center of all things 
is Your mercy.

There is a transformation that takes place within the warmth of Your embrace. 

We acknowledge that You are our refuge,
and stronghold, 

against which no army can succeed.

You give a love that knows no bounds.
You reveal Your power that knows no limit.
You give us Your presence that provides all comfort.
You show us Your goodness that understands our weakness.
You have immanence that teaches us we are protected.
You show justice that never changes.
You show a mercy that is undeserved.

You are the center of all things.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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