Remembering Mom

Remembering Mom

This Christmas Cactus Flower is one of my mothers that Wanda ad I have preserved since her passing 30 years ago. It is a sentimental reminder of remembering her and the wonderful mother she was to me, mother in law to Wanda and grandmother to our children. Mom was noble in her character, a lady in her conduct, faithful to her family, industrious in her work, committed to her faith in God and a blessing to all her life touched. Years of missing her has not diminished my memory. love, respect and value of her. And it is with joyful expectation I look forward to the reunion with my Mom in heaven.

Thank You heavenly Father for the gift of my mother, the grace manifested in her life and the love she always supported me with. Thank you that she was not only precious to me but her life and death were precious to You. Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.” Psalm 116:15 (KJV)

Thank You Father for blessed memories and a glorious future. In Jesus wonderful Name. Amen.

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