for peace in the holy land

Dear Father,

We pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the surrounding areas. We are sad to see the violence and suffering as men, women, and children are injured and killed on both sides of the current conflict. Our hearts break for all peoples.

We ask that years of hatred and animosity come to an end. And that love of neighbor would be fostered in the region. Help everyone esteem humanity over property. Help leaders of all factions see embrace peace and love.

We plead dear Lord for the lives of Jew and Arab. For those of the Jewish, Muslim and Christian faiths. May the teachings of love prevail over tribal sectarianism.

We thank you Lord for hearing our prayer. We know that you love all and desire that none perish. Holy Spirit, blow on the peoples of the holy land and bring peace to them.

We pray in the name of the Prince of Peace. Amen.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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