a prayer for surrender


When you asked Moses, "What is that in your hand?" and then asked him to throw down his rod, you are reminding me of something I've missed before. That you often call us to surrender the thing we've relied on for so long to make us comfortable.

You used the everyday objects such as the jars of oil in 2 Kings 4 and the handkerchiefs and aprons in Acts 19 to do miraculous things! You use the resources You've given - and they are often right in front of us - to do Your work.

 Yet I need to set it down.

Lord, may I recognize and surrender the resources You have given you and use them to carry out Your will. Let the dry bones inside me come to life, let my heart of stone be replaced with a heart of flesh. May I see the thing I'm holding onto dearly as something to lay down.

 May I learn to get out of the boat so that You can teach me to walk on the water.

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