when we are feeling lonely

This past year has brought on loneliness for so many. I lived alone for months when my wife was quarantined in a nursing center and experienced loneliness. Please join me in praying this prayer from the folks at the Knowing Jesus website if you are feeling alone.

Loving Lord, I feel so lonely at times, so very alone, though I am often surrounded by crowds of people, but I also realise that the more I concentrate on my loneliness, the more alone I feel. I feel sorry for myself and become depressed and down, and I know that this is not the way that You created us to be.
Lord, I ask You to show me how to conquer this loneliness. Help me not only to cope with loneliness but to conquer it. I know that You have said that You are with us all the time, and that You have promised never to leave us nor forsake us, and I believe Your Word is true.
Help me to rise above all the negative feelings that loneliness brings, and all the negative elements that come with it. I pray that I may be enabled to embrace my loneliness in such a way that my life honours You, and becomes an encouragement to others who may be facing similar lonely feelings. 

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen

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