a new reputation


It's my prayer that I am thought well of by others. I desire a good reputation, but confess that I after often more concerned with how others perceive me. I confess that I often work to create a picture of myself for them that they approve of... rather then offer the truth of who I am.

So I'm asking myself this day, Is this what would best honor You?

When I find myself exclude others... 
When I find myself gossiping... 
When I twist the truth...
When I hide to make sure my wrong doing isn't exposed...

this is the dark side of me wanting a good reputation.

I seek to protect my reputation, and build to further by


...and making half-hearted admissions of wrongdoing

My heart wants something that is not bad to want: a good reputation. But my heart is broken because it wants to get that reputation in the wrong way. 

Break my heart in the right way, O Lord.

Give me the strength to see how I am trusting in something else other than You - and how this will fail every time. 

Give me the eyes to see that You have given me the only reputation I need because Jesus put his righteousness on me.

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus, because the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death. (Romans 8:1-2)

Give me the heart to believe in this new identity in Christ, that I no longer have to say or do things to earn a reputation before others or even before You.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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