His Image

I was headed to my daughter’s house yesterday and the beautiful song “Image of God” by We are Messengers came on. 

And I was really listening to the words and not merely singing them.

And I was struck by message of the whole song. It is so gorgeous as it touches so many truths in the lives of all of us who profess Christ as our Savior.

And then the strains of the chorus began playing again and this time my HEART heard the words rather than simply my ears...

We are made...
Made in the image of...
Made in the image of God.
Beautiful shades of love.
We are made...
Made in the image of...
Made in the image of God.
That's where the light comes from...

And it hit me. Hard.

We are made in the Image of the HOLY and PERFECT God. We are made in His LIKENESS. We are fashioned after the CREATOR. The sustainer of LIFE. The PURE ONE. 

We were made in His IMAGE..

We haven’t REMAINED there.

We have strayed from that image. We have pushed back from that image. We have turned our backs on that image.

We have not stayed in that place we were created in and created to be.

My heart broke when I came face-to-face with that reality.

I was made in the IMAGE of a HOLY and PERFECT God. And I want to remain there.

I want to reflect Him.

I want others to see Him within me.

I want to look like Jesus.

“Then God said, “Let us make man in Our Image, according to Our likeness...” (Genesis 1:26)

May our hearts and spirits be awakened to this truth today and begin living our lives to reflect the beautiful IMAGE of God.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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