for faithfulness


The first word that comes to mind when someone asks me to describe you is faithful and it seems that each time I pray your character, faithful is the words that is murmured from my lips. 

You are faithful. 

Perhaps it's because everything else in this world has let me down. Perhaps it's because nothing else in this word is sure. Perhaps it's because everything feels uncertain. Perhaps it's because I've put my trust in people and things I shouldn't have and they have failed me. You, of course, have always been faithful when people, situations, the world and all the others things have not been.

But lately, I think I've been praying about your faithfulness because I, too, need to be reminded of my own need to be faithful. For you have called us to be a faithful people, in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit, our faithfulness is evidence of Your work and transformation in our lives.

I still find myself faithful to someone or something other than You at times, Lord. Though You are faithful, I am not. So perhaps my prayer about Your faithfulness is Your Spirit interceding for me, convicting me to be a steady and faithful child. 

May I remember how much I am dependent upon Your grace and mercy as I seek to walk in step with the Spirit, in faithfulness. 

May Your faithfulness inspire me to be faithful.

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