Matthew 24:36  "No ones knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."

Lord, I long for the day of Your return, but much more, I desire to live in constant communion with You even now.  I do not seek to know the day or the hour of Your coming; only let me know the glory and warmth of Your presence in my life today.  I seek only to live in obedience to your Word.  And when you come in triumph, may I then be found in You and You in me.  When I finally look into Your face, then I will know You even as You know me.

We don't know what lies ahead for 2021.  This we do know, until the Lord comes, He has instructed us in His Word, to "occupy" or "keep doing" what you are doing for the Kingdom.  One day at a time, living in anticipation and obedience.  Live in the moment!  Live to serve and obey the Lord!  Let the JOY of the LORD be your STRENGTH.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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