a prayer for discernment



My heart is torn. My mind is confused. My body is tense. Everything out there and in me seems to send the message, "I. Don't. Know."

And then there are days when I seem to be so sure that I know it all. I am right and others are wrong. And I couldn't not possibly be questioned because I have it all figured out.

I know these are things You do not want for me. Neither one. One leads to inaction. The other to pride. And both lead to chaos. 

Lord, give me the humility to understand that I do not know everything. Yet enough confidence to know You will guide me to know what I do need to understand. Help me discern what is not of You and what is of the enemy. Show me what will bring peace, unity, and purity to Your Church and steer me away from all that divides, destroys, and hurts those in it. 

To do this, I know I must be connected to You. Abide with me, O Lord. Quiet my heart and spirit. Slow me down so I may hear Your voice. Teach me to test the spirits and trust only in the truth and not in myself. Prune all that is in my that does not bring You glory, and keep me in union with Your Son Jesus.


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