we belong to God

Sovereign Lord,

In the beauty of your power and gracious will, You have made us Your children. As we prepare for Christmas - even a very different one from what we may be used to - may we never lose sight of who we belong to. May we be reminded that we are bound to You through the sacrifice of Your son Jesus, who came in an unexpected way. Another reminder to us that You work in ways we don't always understand - but it's for our good in ways we cannot see. 

May this teach us to trust You more, knowing you keep Your promises - just as the promises of Genesis 3, Isaiah 7, 49, 53, Zechariah 9, 1 Chronicles 17 and so many more have been fulfilled in the person of Christ - will be fulfilled in Your kingdom, in Your time. We are Your children, and You will do what You have said You will do.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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