of hope



It's the first word we often ponder during the Advent season and yet this year it feels strange to even think about hope with so much despair and conflict all around us.

So we lament. We cry out to You.

But in this, there is hope.

Because we wouldn't cry out to You if we didn't hope You would hear us. If we didn't hope You would fix what was broken and right what was wrong.

Lord help us see hope in a new way this Advent and Christmas season. Remind us to find hope in what You have done and what You are doing, and to find hope in the promises You have made for our future. Remind us that we are secure in our place as Your children and that our union with You is at Your gracious and loving hand. 

Remind us that our hope is not in the things of this world, but in the person of Jesus Christ who will come again. For this, we wait and hope.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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