making new year's prayer personal

Rather than write a prayer for you today, I thought I would help you cultivate your own prayer as you reflect on the challenging year of 2020, and lead you into a personal prayer time for what 2021 will be.

1.)  Consider the things that happened last year that you are thankful for.  

Though this year was very difficult, it also has created a more thankful heart in me. So reflect on the ways, both big and small, in which God has shown you how to be thankful. And for the things you have to be thankful. Hard times lend itself to forgetting what we have that is good; but likewise, hard times lend itself to appreciating what you already have. Make a list of what God has given you this year. 


2.) Remember the prayers God answered last year.

It's ok if this takes a while, especially this year! You likely will need to sit with this one for a bit. But do wit with it. Remember all the ways you have prayed, all the people you have prayed for and situations which you laid at his feet. He may not have answered completely, he may not have answered the way you though he would. But consider how he did answer you and ask yourself what that says about who God is and how it shows his love and care for you.

3.) Lament what you have lost.

We often forget that lament is not despair. Lament is crying out to God because we know it's not how things are supposed to be - and crying out to him because we know and believe he can change it. This is the definition of hope. Lament the losses. God is not offended by your anger, your tears, your swear words, your punches thrown into the wind. God has felt all of those things, too, and has been with you through every loss. Don't suppressed them or think they don't matter. Every loss matters a great deal, and he feels each one of them with you.


4.) Ask yourself what you want for the New Year.

What is your deepest desire? What is your greatest hope? What passions do you want to pursue, what wrongs do you want to see made right? Write them down, create a vision board, whatever it takes for you to think big and build up any hope you may have lost.


5.) Lay all of these hopes at the feet of Jesus.

The mystery of how our prayers and God's sovereign will work together is a complicated one that we do not have answers to. But rather than this keep us from praying big or prevent us from praying at all, may it press deeper into our trust of God. May we remember all that he has done and has promised, know how much he loves us, acknowledge that he hears our prayers, and believe what he has for us. May this deeper trust in him show us to be people of faith, fully submissive to his will.

Please visit The Prayer List and pray with us.

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