grace, relationships, and everything in between


As if everything in 2020 wasn't already a huge mess, you've given America the extra complication of a huge election this year. In a season where we are already so far divided, we are divided even further by political issues. The way we are treating one another is cruel. The way we are seeing one another is unkind. The way we are speaking about one another is vindictive. The way we refuse to listen to one another is selfish. The way we talk to one another is callous.

Lord, we have lost the ability to treat each other with love and grace, and to see each other with your eyes and your heart. We have failed to see that those who understand your Word and you differently love you just as much as we do. More importantly - YOU love them just as much as you love us. Reveal to us that just because someone believes differently than we does doesn't always mean they are not being faithful believers.

Help us not to be so quick to label and assume. Teach us to listen to the hearts of people, and not listen to the fears Satan has instilled in us. Slow us down, and show us how to hear the truth behind the words spoken and the actions we see and the fears we feel.

 And when we are hurt, Lord, teach us to forgive. For you have given much grace to us, so we must give much grace to others. This is for our good.


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